Sunday, June 21, 2020

Riding and Driving Training

6x a day on facebook i see "what age can i ride my X?X horse???
well this post is to answer ALLLL that and more. 

The quarter horse, race, futurities, and yes even the KFPS Friesian Stallion inspections are all designed to get the horse as far and fast as you can so that it has more value and can be flipped to sell or used for breeding etc.... well it comes with a high price. Soundness.

Take a look at this chart, it shows when the bones are done growing. that is not even the joints between them this is just the length of that bone. 

So if you put a saddle on that purple back before 6 you risk kissing spine, sway back, arthritis, dislocation, pinched nerves and a lifetime of pain. 

Many horses (not just a breed, horses) that are restricted in movement (stalled) wile growing will develop slipping and locking of the stifle. That area isn't done growing till 4yo. and even then movement will be beneficial (pasture) to keep them limber. tight turns and jumping can severely damage those joints. ... so why would cutting horses be started on cows at 2 if their hips and stifles and shoulders are not stable or done growing... 

Going down the legs you go down in age. knees and hocks are very important for movement stability soundess and long term health of the animal. MANY OTTB's are getting hock injections and knee injections because they were in full race training and competition while those joints were trying to finish 
Fururity horses and Approved Friesian stallions are being asked to perform at peak movement, flexibility, balance and power at 2.5 yo.... so where does that leave the knees while they are trying to get those horses conditioned for those 2-3yo make it or break it competitions that will determine their fate... well even if they make it ... they broke it... so you better get on board with join injections if you buy a horse that was put through that to get a title. 
now we know birth is not a good time to ride. and even 6mo is a little unrealistic to hear about riding .... but look at those crucial joints. hoof and pastern. you are talking about the stability of the entire horse. so proper balanced hoof trimming and care by a professional that will take the time to get it right is CRUCIAL to the future of a horse. When buying a horse from the breeder ask about the hoof care. when it was done, who did it. the hoof trims from 0-1yo are more important for the soundness of the horse's future than anyone can ever imagine. 

horse vs. human years (With images) | Horse age, Horse tips, Horse ...Looking at the age char on the left would you really trust a 10yo human with your life??? That is what you are doing when you get on a horse's back, or in the cart behind it. Personally I prefer a mentally stable horse that has life experience to put things in perspective.  
The blowing bag
2yo horse see's the bag blow in the wind and the brain blows up.
3yo see the bag snorts, trots, gets on alert and prances a bit.  
4yo horse see's the bag and thinks... i've seen a bag, i didn't die, we can watch where it goes. but just in case it isn't safe i'm watching it like a hawk. 
5yo horse sees that bag and thinks... human's bring cookies in a bag, is there a cookie in there, i should go get that bag.
Personally I would rather the more mature outlook on the bag.
Why do people ride before 4yo....
$$$$$$$$ the all mighty dollar
I want to...impatience
I need to sell trumps ethical treatment

NEVER a good excuse for riding ANY  horse before 4yo. 

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