Monday, February 21, 2011

Babies Babies Babies!!! – Breeding/ Insemination Information

Breeding your Friesian mare is similar to that of any other horse. You have to have a mare that is in heat, usually from April to September in North America. A mare comes in heat approximately every 18-25 days for 3-8 days depending on the mare. Take the time to get to know your mare. Realize when she is showing signs such as blinking the vulva after urination or at another horse, posturing while urinating in small spurts, cream colored urine, more irritable than normal. There are many signs. But you may have a mare that has no signs. I have noticed that my Friesian mares don’t show very much and when they are presented to a stallion they take a while to warm up to him to start showing. In those cases ultrasounds are very helpful. Most Friesian stallion owners know this but please be aware that Friesians ovulate at a much larger follicle than the average horse. Our mares ovulate between 55mm and 65mm, the average quarter horse will ovulate at 35-45mm. Friesians are also known for holding on to their follicles for an extra day or two. So please work with a vet that is familiar with the specific reproductive habits of the Friesian mare, and more importantly your Friesian mare. The time of ovulation is the most important time because you have a narrow window on either side of ovulation to inseminate. About 8 hrs before and 4 hours after, Less if it’s with frozen semen.

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