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Saturday, March 5, 2011
What do the premiums mean
At the keurings your horse will be judged and given a premium. The premiums are not how they rank in the class that you are in but they are the ranking or placing in the overall heard. There are 1st premiums, 2nd, 3rd, no premium. If they are entered into the studbook then they receive a premium. If they are not invited into the studbook, so stay in the foal book. They will not receive a premium and not invited will be recorded on their papers. Some reasons for not getting promoted from the foal book to the Studbook are: Height, soundness issues, deformity, genetic condition, too much white, any other color than black. If your horse doesn't meet the height requirements they will not be considered for advancement out of the foal book. If they are unsound or have more than a 50 cent piece white star on their forehead it is not advised to attend the keuring because they will not advance. Not having the correct markings, color and height does not mean that you have a bad horse it just means that they will not advance at the keurings. They will still be able to compete in other aspects of shows or be fantastic pleasure mounts. The Keuring is not the only reason to buy a Friesian but if you are planning on going to a keuring you should be aware of some of the aspects that will restrict the horse from advancement before you invest in the entry fees and training to get there.
I have put together a very informative web pageon Premiums that cover the explanation of the premiums and the different titles that the KFPS/FHANA gives out. The titles covered are Sport, Prestatie, Preferent, Sport dam, Star, Kroon, Model ect.Click here to view the page
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