I have been using and selling Essential Oils with my horses for a few years now. There are many uses for the oils, from emotional to physical.
One that I rely on is Trauma Life By Young Living
Here is what they write about this formula on their web page:
I have personally used this oil on my horses. The most common use is weaning. It’s always a traumatic for a foal to be separated from it’s Dam and visa versa. The stress can cause ulcers, anxiety, and long term emotional effects. The foal has to be weaned, that is common practice in nature and in foaling operations around the world. So why should they have to have emotional scars. I have found that our foals are much more adjusted after separation after using this on them a few times a week following weaning. I use the aroma therapy application. Just open the top and let them smell when they need it.
I also used this on a mare that lost her foal to a tragic accident and on a foal who’s mom died. Post surgery and accident is another time when I use this oil. I have found that using this after a very scary encounter helps them also. For example a horse that fears bathing, clipping, or is overly reactive to regular training steps. When a 2 year old developed a fear of blankets because she was shocked by static and bolted through a fence. A few times sniffing and a reintroduction to the blanket and she was back on track with her blanket training.
To order this oil click here http://youngliving.com/essential-oil-blends/Trauma-Life You will have to create a new account. Choose your Country, Click on Customer, for Sponsoring Distributor Member Number Enter 1111482 My name should appear as your sponsor. (email Allison@sableranch.net if not)
Select the Independent Distributor if your going to order a lot.
Preferred Customer if you would like to have regular automatic shipments.
For more information on using Essential Oils with your animals check out this e-book that is written by a fellow Young Living Sales person. Essential oils E-book for dogs cats and horses
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